25th Reunion Pictures
Below are some of the photo's (that came out) from the evening.  Sorry about the quality, but it was the first time I used my new (cheap) digital camera and many of the pictures didn't come out.
First Row:  Dawn (Rosengrant) Wescott, Norma (Shaffer) Lodini, Michael Bucci, Tom Ryan  Second Row: Ann Miller, Tom Ashman, Dave Zeiler, Pam Ostroll  Third Row: Lois (Seeley) Mancini, Jerry Arnoldini  Fourth Row: Lori (Ellsworth) Minor, Louis Fox, Darlene (Tennant) Gillow  Fifth Row: Wayne Maychek, Karl Matoushek, John Syrylo, James Collins, Earl Vinton, Andy Cavage, Craig Robbins, Brenda (Davis) Zeiler   (Did I get it Right ???)
First Row:  Dawn (Rosengrant) Wescott, Norma (Shaffer) Lodini, Michael Bucci, Tom Ryan  Second Row: Ann Miller, Tom Ashman, Dave Zeiler, Pam Ostroll  Third Row: Lois (Seeley) Mancini, Jerry Arnoldini  Fourth Row: Lori (Ellsworth) Minor, Louis Fox, Darlene (Tennant) Gillow  Fifth Row: Wayne Maychek, Karl Matoushek, John Syrylo, James Collins, Earl Vinton, Andy Cavage, Craig Robbins, Brenda (Davis) Zeiler